Why do I need Tie-downs?
Tie-downs are systems of heavy-duty straps and anchors designed to stabilize manufactured homes (also known as mobile homes) during high winds. Failure to properly install and maintain tie-downs results in reduced capacity to resist sliding and overturning.
Manufactured homes are more easily flipped or damaged during windstorms than site-built homes and they require tie-downs to remain stable. Manufactured homes are elevated and therefore vulnerable to the forces of wind uplift. Wind passing over the top of such homes can exacerbate this effect. Manufactured homes are also relatively lightweight when compared with site-built homes.
Tie-Down Anchoring Systems are REQUIRED: Mobile homes should ALWAYS be tied down. In fact, Washington State law requires manufactured home owners to secure their homes using approved anchors and tie-downs. Homes without proper tie-downs are more vulnerable to high winds. Taking proper precautions now will ensure that your mobile home is properly secured, reducing possible damage to your home and your neighbor’s property.
Lending: Tie-downs will also be required by Banks if you ever decide to refinance your home, convert to an FHA / VA loan or apply for a reverse mortgage. We install our Tie-down systems compliant to HUD/FHA and Washington State standards.
Give us call for a quote. (360) 333-2829