FHA/HUD Certified Foundation Systems
If you've ever tried to sell a mobile home to an FHA/VA buyer or tried to buy a mobile home using FHA/VA lending, you know the challenges that process entails. There are unique standards that Mobile/Manufactured Homes must comply with in order to be certified as having a FHA/VA qualifying permanent foundation. We can now take all the stress of that process out of the equation with the installation of one of our FHA/VA qualifying foundation systems for Mobile/Manufactured homes. This System satisfies the tie-down requirements, is seismically rated and satisfies HUD's Permanent Foundations Guide for Manufactured Housing, (HUD-7584), dated September 1996. So, whether you're buying, selling, refinancing, or trying to get a Reverse Mortgage, our installed systems will make that possible for you. See the link below for our in house FHA/VA Certifying Engineers (360)333-2829. And remember, Only State Certified Mobile Home Technicians are legally allowed to install these systems in Washington State (Our Certification is recognized in Oregon and Idaho as well) and we've been Certified Installers since 1996 when they first passed that law.
Our Proprietary Foundation System below is only $2600 installed which is about half the cost of traditional Systems.
Receive $500 off this system when you have your house re-leveled at time of installation.
See the link below for our in house FHA/VA Certifying Engineers. 360-333-2829
Another Mobile/Manufactured Home Foundation System that Qualifies for FHA/VA lending also qualifies as an Earthquake Restraint Bracing System (ERBS). The concept is a simple one. The ERBS system is made with strong steel piers that are mechanically attached to the frame of the home and to very wide mechanically strengthened concrete footings. When an earthquake occurs and the other piers give way, the ERBS will hold the home in its upright position to prevent catastrophic damage from occurring. The system below or similar is about $5600 installed.
See the link below for our in house FHA/VA Certifying Engineers. 360-333-2829
We encourage all mobile home owners in earthquake prone areas to install a certified ERBS system. It can save your home from extensive damage in the event of an earthquake, but there are a few things you should know before you have them installed. All earthquake restraint bracing systems installed in Washington must be installed by a state certified mobile home technician. On Level Services is your assurance that your system will be installed correctly, our State Certification number is # LOTZESH0370W
Consider having your home re-leveled prior to the installation of one of these systems.